Public Statement Regarding Contract Ending Between Porter Leath and SCS

The ending of Shelby County Schools and Porter-Leath’s long-held early childhood partnership reminds us that early childhood education and programs require collaborative approaches between multiple stakeholders. First 8 Memphis serves as Memphis and Shelby County’s lead early childhood organization, helping establish a solid educational base for every child in our community. Therefore, we have the responsibility of supporting partners and, more importantly, ensuring our families have factual information about their educational options. For this reason, we are committed to working with both organizations to share accurate information to allow families to choose the provider that best meets their child’s needs. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing helpful information that families can use as the Pre-K enrollment process continues in our county. 

“First 8 Memphis’ primary goal is to help align resources to ensure children reach their fullest potential. With that in mind, we are deeply committed to collaborating with all stakeholders and educational providers to help build a stronger early childhood system across our entire county. I’m confident that together, we can propel children forward while supporting families with the necessary information and resources,” said Kandace Thomas, MPP, Ph.D., Executive Director of First 8 Memphis.


Dr. Kandace Thomas on WREG Live @ 9


Memphis early childhood advocates discuss the potential impact of universal pre-k